January 13, 2025
Improves overall networking connectivity
Improves security
Changes / Improvements:
Single Sign-On
Item Formatting
Bug Fixes:
Changed the label for Public Display Size ON Configuration Settings->Public Display->PD Non-Voters Config to Public Display Row Size
Motion and Second not appearing on the Public Display after a vote has been completed
Allow motion/second buttons on devices without a quorum has now been fixed to NOT allow motions/second buttons to appear on devices when there is not a quorum
Crashing after editing a configuration in the middle of a meeting
Attempting to archive a meeting gives an error message and removes the meeting from the list of active meetings
Discussion Manager
This new release of the OpenMeeting Discussion Manager - Version 2.01.058 should be considered a major update. It is recommended that all customers that are running an earlier version of the Discussion Manager should upgrade the Meeting Manager application, Member Application, and Discussion Manager application to gain the full benefits of the update.
Performance Updates:
Changes / Improvements:
Connectivity Enhancements
Security Improvements
Agenda Item Text Formatting and URL Links
Additional Display Panel View
Bug Fixes:
Line through images when using the Discussion Manager on an iPad
Allow motion/second buttons on devices without a quorum has now been fixed to NOT allow motions/second buttons to appear on devices when there is not a quorum
Discussion Manager showing the next item when the current item is display correctly on the Meeting Manager
Save button in settings will not save and has now been fixed to allow you to save
Member App
Minor Release Version 2.01.058
This new release of the OpenMeeting Member App - Version 2.01.058 should be considered a major update. It is recommended that all customers that are running an earlier version of the Member Application should upgrade the Member Application and the Meeting Manager application to gain the full benefits of the update.
Performance Updates:
Changes / Improvements:
Connectivity Enhancements
Security Improvements
Agenda Item Text Formatting and URL Links
Single Sign-On
Bug Fixes:
Allow motion/second buttons on devices without a quorum has now been fixed to NOT allow motions/second buttons to appear on devices when there is not a quorum
Closing the Meeting Manager before starting a meeting would give you a blank screen, or not allow you to sign-in on the Member App
Customer logo not displaying when signed-in and connected to a meeting when awaiting roll call