Training Checklist

Training Checklist

Welcome to OpenMeeting Training!

The following is how we will prepare you for using OpenMeeting:

Step 1 – Rules Review and Agenda Training with the Meeting Manager User

In this 60 to 90 minute training, we will review your configuration (rules, members etc.) and show you how to create your meeting agendas in OpenMeeting.

Step 2 – Meeting Day Training with the Meeting Manager User

After you’ve completed Step 1, we’ll schedule a 90 minute training to prepare you for how to use the software during your meeting.

Step 3 – Minute Training with the Meeting Manager User

Once Step 2 is completed, we’ll set up a 60 minute training to show you how to create your meeting minutes using the data that was captured during your meeting.

Step 4  – (OPTIONAL) Meeting Day Training with the Discussion Manager and Meeting Manager Users

Although optional, we recommend this training if the chair of the group will be using the Discussion Manager application. This training, that can take as little as 30 minute, will prepare the Discussion Manager on how to use their software in tandem with the Meeting Manager.

Member Training  

Once all of the above training is completed, we suggest that a practice meeting is conducted with members to allow them to see how easy the Member Application is to use and what will be displayed on the the Public Display. OpenMeeting is happy to assist with this training if desired.

After initial onboarding training if you have additional training request, please email: or call: 866-668-0123. We are always happy to assist!