1. The current agenda item that is in discussion is listed in the upper left corner. To see additional information related to this item, click on the item name. Click Ok when you'd like to return to the panel showing members, etc.
2. The next agenda item is shown in the lower left corner.
3. Open the Details Panel to show actions in a list view in conjunction with details showing on tiles. If the Details Panel is open, the user can also Call and Tally Roll in the Actions area, as well as make Motions and Seconds if the Discussion Manager is a voting member with these rights.
4. As Members Motion, Second, Amend or Request to Speak (RTS), those actions will appear on the tiles or detail panel. RTS will indicate in what order the request was received. In the bottom task bar, additional RTS buttons are available.
5. Each time a Member is recognized on the current item, a number will appear in the upper right corner of the Member's tile and will increment each time they are recognized.
6. Hovering over a Member tile will enlarge that Member's name.
7. To recognize a Member, select the Member tile (or if they have Requested to Speak, click their name in the Details Panel area).
8. During a meeting, the Discussion Manager can select the following (based on applied settings):
- Motion
- Second
- If used, select Amend to indicate to Meeting Manager your desire to amend an item.
- If the Discussion Manager is also a voting member, voting options will automatically be displayed in the upper right corner once a vote is initiated.
- Once a vote is tallied, the Vote Results will appear in the upper right.