What is the Member App

What is the Member App

The Member App is used by voting members of a group to view meeting item information, make requests to speak, motion, second, amend and vote during meetings.  It can also be used by non-voting members, such as staff members, to make requests to speak and view meeting item information.

Please watch this video for a quick overview of the Member App:

Open Member App

Locate the Member App icon / shortcut to open.

Select Sign In.

NOTE: Meeting must be loaded by Meeting Manager to connect the Member App.

Select PRESENT once roll has been called.

Simple, Intuitive Interface

During the meeting, members will use large action buttons to indicate what they want to do in a meeting.

Request to Speak

During the meeting, Members can click the "Request to Speak" button to ask to speak. Once recognized to speak, all members will see who is speaking and who is in the speaking queue.



Simply click the "Motion" button to make a Motion while an item is in discussion.


Click the "Second" button to second a Motion.


If amendments are allowed for your group, clicking the "Amend" button will trigger a simple series of events that makes amending items much easier for your group, and with full visual indications of the proposed amendment.


Voting & Fast Results

Voting on items in a meeting is simple, transparent and time-saving for your group.

View Meeting Agenda Items

On the left-hand side of the Member App, Members can see what is next on the agenda. Clicking on the item will display related details of the agenda item. You can also see what items passed / failed up to the current agenda item.


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